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Valentina Rusnac

Find the Best Consortia Partners Faster

Updated: Dec 12, 2024

Find the Best Consortia Partners Faster

Once a company decides to pursue a tender, the first crucial step is forming partnerships. However, finding consortia partners can be challenging due to limited time and resources. The BidNexus App, is an ideal tool that significantly cuts the time needed to shortlist the best partners for bidding by half.

There are multiple reasons for establishing partnerships

There are multiple reasons for establishing partnerships

All these factors suggest that a single company is unlikely to meet all the criteria and win the bid on its own. Identifying the most suitable partner is akin to assembling a complex puzzle, which can take days or even weeks. Many organizations form joint ventures based on previous partnerships. While this sometimes works, the ideal "partnership" should be specifically tailored for each tender. In other words, partners should be selected to fit the tender, rather than relying on past successes.

The "puzzle" is only complete when all consortia members contribute past project experience that addresses at least one aspect of the tender.

When a company plans to bid in a region where it or its partners lack experience or when an activity falls outside its portfolio, forming a joint venture can take weeks or even months. Often, organizations cannot afford this time due to strict deadlines.

The BidNexus App streamlines this process, helping companies meet deadlines efficiently. It also combines a company’s internal information with the extensive data on international tenders accumulated by DevelopmentAid since 2007. This includes companies’ project portfolios, shortlisted companies, sanctioned organizations, and more. This integration provides a secure, user-friendly interface for the entire project preparation team. Access to the BidNexus App is exclusive to the client organization’s employees, allowing seamless transfer of information from DevelopmentAid, enriched with the client’s internal data.

Regular use of the BidNexus App provides users with a comprehensive view of past partnerships and success stories. With immediate access to key project managers' contact details on both the client’s and partner’s sides, information sharing becomes more efficient, enhancing team productivity.

The BidNexus App reduces the time required to identify the most suitable consortia partners by half.

The BidNexus App reduces the time required to identify the most suitable consortia partners by half.

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